Deyganaweedah Quorum State Republic
Welcome to the official website of Deyganaweedah Quorum State Republic.(DQSR).
First, we give honors to Prophet Noble Drew Ali for without his teachings there would be no DQSR. We came together as an organized jural society by ratifying and depositing our constitution to further the great missionary works of uplifting fallen humanity.
DQSR is an autonomous State, sovereign and independent from the United states and its chartered colonies and we’re here to provide real solutions, under international law, for our people!
DQSR is poised with full powers under international law to enact laws and enforce said laws through consular court upon the foreign colonists for the protection of our State and the nationals thereof. Furthermore, DQSR understands that birthrights and nationality are FREE and that’s how we operate!
Decolonization is the New World Order of the day. The paradigm is shifting. Are you ready to shift with it? We welcome all those who are awake and can hear the call to join us as we stand on our Five Points of Light in becoming the portal to free generations to come. .
Our Constitution, based on “The Great Law of Peace,” along with our State flag, State seal and other documentary evidence will be placed on public record, in the archives of the U. N., and it will become an international contract with193 nations globally. And we are asking you to join us as we emerge into an autonomous State, sovereign and independent from the United states and its chartered colonies.
Inquire About Nationalization

The Wazir Al’Rais or Prime Minister, the one who bares the burden of the State.

The Dalil Aziz or Matriarchal Council is led by the Seyaraha or Speaker of the House.

The Qazi or Chief Judge of Consular Court, Executor of the Policy of the Matriarchs.